An Architect’s Guide To Exterior Solar Shades

Why do we need An Architect’s Guide to Exterior Shading Solutions? Because many in the architectural and design community view exterior solar shades as an afterthought, and as a result, they may not give their projects the best chances for success. 

Today’s emphasis on sustainable solutions have rushed window coverings to the center stage with other building systems, such as lighting and HVAC. Architect’s and designers are becoming aware of the advantages of incorporating window coverings (especially exterior shades) into their building and building facade.

To help educate architects, designers and the Passive House community on Exterior  Shading Systems, we have created “An Architect’s Guide to Exterior Shading Solutions". It is a comprehensive and educational report on the many aspects of designing and specifying exterior window coverin/an-architects-guide-to-exterior-solar-shadesgs. The guide covers such things as:

Exterior Shades

1. Exterior Shading Solutions and Sustainable Design.
2. Introduction to Exterior Shading Solutions.
3. Benefits of Exterior Shading Solutions.
4. Common Myths of Exterior Shading Solutions.
5. The Passive House and Exterior Shading Solutions.
6. Exterior Shade Products.
7. Exterior Shade Fabrics.
8. Exterior Shading Controls.
9. Completed Exterior Projects.

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